Café in Pataholm near Mönsterås and Kalmar

Deutsch svenska

Café Förlig Wind is now closed for the 2024 season. We will reopen on the first weekend of June 2025. A warm thank you to all visitors who have brightened our days this past season, and we look forward to welcoming you back in the summer of 2025!

Karin, Lisa and Sara

For a reminder for the next season, please fill in your email address below. We will only use it to send a reminder.


    Café Förlig Wind is a summer Café in the picturesque village of Pataholm, outside Ålem in Mönsterås municipality. We offer homebaked pies and cookies, sandwiches and ice crea. Welcome to our large garden by the water, with plenty of space also for kids and dogs.

    If you are driving on the E22 past Ålem between Mönsterås and Kalmar, it’s just a short detour (5 minutes) for a coffee breakin a historic and scenic environment.

    Business hours

    Open for the 2024 season every day until August 18, except for Sunday, July 28, when we are closed.
    Opening hours 10:30-17

    Contact us

    If you have any questions or want to get in touch with us, do not hesitate to reach out. Preferably use the contact form to the right, but if it’s urgent, you can also reach us by phone at +46 (0)70-287 37 83.

      About Café Förlig Wind

      More than 20 years ago, Sara and Karin, together with a friend and their mother, started Café Förlig Wind in Pataholm ooutside Ålem in the municipality of Mönsterås. The place was simply too good not to have an old-fashioned café with sandwiches and homebaked pastries. Since, Förlig Wind has been a recurring institution every summer in Pataholm. After a few years, the café was handed over to others to run, and we were occupied with other things in our lives.

      Now, the circle is closed! Starting in 2023, we run again Café Förlig Wind, now together with Sara’s daughter Lisa. The business has grown, and there are more visitors, but much has stayed the same. It is still a small-scale operation, homebaking and cozy. Every day we bake pies and cookies. We mix the waffle batter from scratch and have a good time together. We hope that you, as a visitor, will notice that!

      The café is located in a fantastic environment, well worth a visit on its own. But if you’re driving on the E22 towards Kalmar or Öland, it’s just a small detour of 5 km for relaxation and great coffee. From the café, you can choose to drive back to the E22 at Ålem or follow the beautiful coastal road for about a mile and join the E22 at Kåremo. In terms of time, it’s about the same, but we highly recommend the coastal road.

      Discover Pataholm, Ålem and Mönsterås!


      Pataholm is an idyllic community by the Kalmarsund, opposite Borgholm Castle ruins. Many of the houses date back to the town’s heyday in the 19th century when a significant portion of trade and timber exports from Kalmar County passed through Pataholm. You can stroll among the houses, visit the café, paddle around the headland, and explore the summer art exhibition.


      Ålem is the nearest larger community. Here you’ll find a gas station and a grocery store. Nearby attractions include Ålem Church from the 19th century, a prime example of a “Tegnérlada,” the neoclassical church buildings advocated by Bishop Essaias Tegnér of Växjö to accommodate the entire parish population.

      Kronobäck Monastery Ruins are well worth a visit. It is a medieval monastery church established by the Knights Hospitaller, with an exhibition about life in the monastery and the surrounding area during the Middle Ages.


      Mönsterås is the main town in the municipality, offering a wide range of services. Just a few kilometers from the center, you’ll find the beautiful Oknö, with swimming opportunities and a diving tower. In Timmernabben, between Mönsterås and Pataholm, there is Råsnäs Confectionery, producing confectionery using old recipes and methods. The Modéerska House, a merchant’s house from the 18th century, sells local crafts.

      About the Schooner Förlig Wind, Pataholm

      Café Förlig Wind takes its name from the Schooner Förlig Wind (Prosperous Wind), the last sailing merchant ship without an auxiliary motor in Sweden. The schooner was built in 1892 at Olsson’s shipyard in nearby Timmernabben by shipbuilder Johan Jonsson. Originally, Timmernabben was also its home port, but in 1916, Förlig Wind ended up in Pataholm, where it mostly operated in traffic to and from Öland.

      In 1956, it was acquired by the local heritage association in Pataholm to be preserved for future generations. However, due to limited resources and the forces of nature, the ship was eventually dismantled. Today, details from the Förlig Wind are preserved at the small museum in Pataholm. And the name lives on through a street in Kalmar and, of course, through Café Förlig Wind in Pataholm.

      Café Förlig Wind on Facebook

      Café Förlig Wind

      6 months 2 days ago

      Nu är det stängt för säsongen! Vi vill tacka alla gäster för ännu en fantastisk sommar och inte minst vill vi tacka våra medarbetare utan

      Café Förlig Wind

      6 months 2 days ago

      Om ett par timmar stänger Förlig Wind för denna säsong. Men än finns tid för en fika! Varmt välkomna!

      Café Förlig Wind

      6 months 1 week ago

      Nu börjar säsongens sista vecka på caféet så vill ni passa på att fika i vår fina trädgård så går det till och med söndag.

      Café Förlig Wind

      6 months 2 weeks ago

      Augusti är här och caféet bjuder på godsaker ett par veckor till. Välkomna!

      Café Förlig Wind

      6 months 3 weeks ago

      Efter gårdagens kulturdag, då caféet var stängt, så har vi åter bullat upp idag och gör så ett par veckor framåt. Varmt välkomna!

      Café Förlig Wind

      6 months 3 weeks ago

      Imorgon, söndag, är det Kulturdag i Pataholm så caféet har stängt men mycket annan aktivitet är på gång i köpingen. Men idag har vi bullat

      Café Förlig Wind

      7 months 18 hours ago

      Ännu en solig dag i Pataholm då mackor, våfflor och glass har haft en strykande åtgång! Cafékatten Angus är på plats och imorgon ska solen

      Café Förlig Wind

      7 months 1 week ago

      Imorgon ska solen åter skina över Pataholm och vad passar då bättre än en fika i trädgården!

      Café Förlig Wind

      7 months 1 week ago

      Vinbären är mogna, krusbär likaså! Imorgon bjuds det på paj! Välkomna!

      Café Förlig Wind

      7 months 2 weeks ago

      Bara en bit banoffee! Välkomna på en fika!
